



Extremal interpolation of convex scattered data in R3 using edge convex minimum L∞-norm networks: Characterization and solution
Krassimira Vlachkova

We consider the extremal problem of interpolation of convex scattered data

in R3 by smooth edge convex curve networks with minimal Lp-norm of the

second derivative for 1 < p . The problem for p = 2 was set and solved

by Andersson et al. (1995). Vlachkova (2019) extended the results of Andersson

et al. (1995) and solved the problem for 1 < p < . The minimum edge convex

Lp-norm network for 1 < p < is obtained from the solution to a system

of nonlinear equations with coefficients determined by the data. The solution

in the case 1 < p < is unique for strictly convex data. The corresponding

extremal problem for p = ∞ remained open. The case p = ∞ is of particular

interest in the context of applications since it has a solution which is a smooth

curve network consisting of quadratic splines, that is, a smooth curve network of

the lowest possible computational complexity. Here, we show that the extremal

interpolation problem for p = ∞ always has a solution. We give a characterization

of this solution. We show that a solution to the problem for p = ∞ can be found by solving a system of nonlinear equations in the case where it exists.

Testing tensor product Bezier surfaces for coincidence: A comprehensive solution
Krassimira Vlachkova

It is known that Bezier curves and surfaces may have multiple representations by different control polygons. The polygons may have different number of control points and may even be disjoint. Up to our knowledge, Pekerman et al. (2005) were the first to address the problem of testing two parametric polynomial curves for coincidence. Their approach is based on reduction of the input curves into canonical irreducible form. They claimed that their approach can be extended for testing tensor product surfaces but gave no further detail. In this paper we develop a new technique and provide a comprehensive solution to the problem of testing tensor product Bezier surfaces for coincidence. In (Vlachkova, 2017) an algorithm for testing Bezier curves was proposed based on subdivision. There a partial solution to the problem of testing tensor product Bezier surfaces was presented. Namely, the case where the irreducible surfaces are of same degree (n,m), n,m ∈ N, was resolved under certain additional condition. The other cases where one of the surfaces is of degree (n,m) and the other is of degree either (n,n+m)or (n+m), or (n+m,n+m) remained open. We have implemented our algorithm for testing tensor product Bezier surfaces for coincidence using Mathematica package. Experimental results and their analysis are presented.

Scattered Data Interpolation with Quartic Triangular Bezier Patches: An Optimized Implementation
Krassimira Vlachkova, Krum Radev
BGSIAM 2022,
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, LNCS, to appear
Abstract. We present a new program package for interactive modeling and visualization of smooth scattered data interpolation using quartic triangular Bezier patches (TBP).We implemented an optimized algorithm (Vlachkova, 2021) based on quartic smooth interpolation curve networks and splitting. The algorithm allows to reduce the complexity of the resulting surface and to improve its smoothness. We have chosen the open-source data visualization library Plotly.js as our main implementation and visualization tool. This choice ensures the platform independency
of our package and its direct use without restrictions. The package can be used for
experiments with user's data sets since it works with the host file system. The latter
allows wide testing, modeling, and editing of the resulting interpolation surfaces.
We performed a large number of experiments using data of increasing complexity.
Here we present and comment the results of our work.

Issue Cover


Interpolation of Convex Scattered data in R3 Using Edge Convex Minimum L∞-norm Networks
Krassimira Vlachkova
AIP Conference Proceedings 2849, 80003 (2023)

Abstract. We consider the extremal problem of interpolation of convex scattered data in ℝ3 by smooth edge convex curve networks with minimal Lp-norm of the second derivative for 1 < p ≤ ∞. The problem for p = 2 was set and solved by Andersson et al. (1995). Vlachkova (2019) extended the results in (Andersson et al., 1995) and solved the problem for 1 < p < ∞. The minimum edge convex Lp-norm network for 1 < p < ∞ is obtained from the solution to a system of nonlinear equations with coeffificients determined by the d ata. The solution in the case 1 < p < ∞ is unique forstrictly convex data. The approach used in (Vlachkova, 2019) can not be applied to the corressponding extremal problem for p = ∞. In this case the solution is not unique. Here we establish the existence of a solution to the extremal interpolation problem for p = ∞. This solution is a quadratic spline function with at most one knot on each edge of the underlying triangulation. We also propose suffificient conditions for solving the problem for p = ∞.

Interactive Modeling and Visualization of Scattered Data Interpolation Schemes using Quartic Triangular Bezier Patches
Krassimira Vlachkova, Krum Radev
AIP Conference Proceedings 3085, 2024, to appear
Abstract. We present two new program packages for modeling and visualization of scattered data interpolation surfaces based on smooth interpolation quartic curve networks that are extended to surfaces comprising of quartic triangular Bezier patches (TBP). Our work and contributions are in the field of experimental algorithmics and algorithm engineering. We have chosen the open-source data visualization libraries Plotly.js and Three.js as our main implementation and visualization tools. This choice ensures the platform independency of our packages and their direct use without restrictions. The packages can be used for experiments with user's data sets since they work with the host file system. The latter allows wide testing, modeling, and editing of the resulting interpolation surfaces. The packages can be used both for research and educational purposes. We experimented extensively with our packages using data of increasing complexity. The experimental results are presented and analyzed.

Convergence of the Minimum Lp-norm Networks as p ->
Krassimira Vlachkova
AIP Conference Proceedings 2483, 060010 (2022)

Abstract. We consider the extremal problem of interpolation of scattered data in 3 by smooth curve networks with minimal Lp-norm of the second derivative for 1 < p ≤ ∞. The problem for p = 2 was set and solved by Nielson [1]. Andersson et al. [2] gave a new proof of Nielson's result by using a different approach. Vlachkova [3] extended the results in [2] and solved the problem for 1 < p < ∞. The minimum Lp-norm network for 1 < p < ∞ is obtained from the solution to a system of nonlinear equations with coefficients determined by the data. The solution in the case 1 < p < ∞ is unique. We denote the corresponding minimum Lp-norm network by Fp. In the case where p = ∞ we establish the existence of a solution of the same type as in the case where 1 < p < ∞. This solution on each edge of the underlying triangulation is a quadratic spline function with at most one knot. We denote this solution by F and prove that the minimum Lp-norm networks Fp converge to the minimum L-norm network F as p .

Edge convex smooth interpolation curve networks with minimum
𝐿∞-norm of the second derivative

Krassimira Vlachkova

Abstract: We consider the extremal problem of interpolation of convex scattered data in 3 by smooth edge convex curve networks with minimal 𝐿𝑝-norm of the second derivative for 1 < 𝑝 ≤ ∞. The problem for 𝑝 = 2 was set and solved by Andersson et al. (1995). Vlachkova (2019) extended the results in (Andersson et al., 1995) and solved the problem for 1 < 𝑝 < ∞. The minimum edge convex 𝐿𝑝-norm network for 1 < 𝑝 < ∞ is obtained from the solution to a system of nonlinear equations with coefficients determined by the data. The solution in the case 1 < 𝑝 < ∞ is unique for strictly convex data. The corresponding extremal problem for 𝑝 = ∞ remained open. Here we show that the extremal interpolation problem for 𝑝 = ∞ always has a solution. We give a characterization of this solution. We show that a solution to the problem for 𝑝 = ∞ can be found by solving a system of nonlinear equations in the case where it exists.

A Comparative Study of Methods for Scattered Data
Interpolation using Minimum Norm Networks and
Quartic Triangular Bezier Surfaces

Krassimira Vlachkova, Krum Radev
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3191, 159-169, 2022

Abstract: We consider the problem of scattered data interpolation in R3 using curve networks extended to smooth interpolation surfaces. Nielson (1983) proposed a solution that constructs smooth interpolation curve network with minimal 𝐿2-norm of the second derivative. The obtained minimum norm network (MNN) is cubic. Vlachkova (2020) generalized Nielson's result to smooth interpolation curve networks with minimal 𝐿𝑝-norm of the second derivative for 1 < 𝑝 < ∞. Vlachkova and Radev (2020) proposed an algorithm that degree elevates the MNN to quartic curve network and then extends it to a smooth surface consisting of quartic triangular Bezier surfaces. Here we apply this algorithm to the following two curve networks:
(i) the MNN which is degree elevated to quartic;
(ii) the minimum 𝐿𝑝-norm network for 𝑝 = 3/2 which is slightly modified to quartic.
We evaluate and compare the quality and the shape of the obtained surfaces with respect to different criteria. We performed a large number of experiments using
data of increasing complexity. Here we present and comment the results of our experiments.

An Improved Algorithm for Scattered Data Interpolation Using Quartic Triangular Bezier Surfaces
Krassimira Vlachkova
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering LNCSE 143, 2021, 327-339, V. A. Garanzha et al. (eds.), Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, NUMGRID 2020/Delaunay 130, Celebrating the 130th Anniversary of Boris Delaunay)


Abstract: We revisit the problem of interpolation of scattered data in R3 and propose
a solution based on Nielson's minimum norm network and triangular
Bezier patches.
We aimed at solving the problem using the least number of polynomial patches of
the smallest possible degree. We propose an alternative to the previously known
algorithms, see (Clough and Tocher, 1965) and (Shirman and Sequin, 1987,1991).
Although conceptually similar, our algorithm differs from the previous in all its steps.
As a result the complexity of the resulting surface is reduced and its smoothness is
improved. We present results of our numerical experiments.

Interpolation of Data in R3 using Quartic Triangular Bezier

Krassimira Vlachkova, Krum Radev
AIP Conference Proceedings 2325, 020061 (2021)

Abstract: We consider the problem of interpolation of data in R3 and propose a solution based on Nielson's minimum norm network and triangular Bezier patches. Our algorithm uses splitting and constructs G1-continuous bivariate interpolant consisting of quartic triangular Bezier surfaces. The algorithm is computationally simple and produces visually pleasant smooth surfaces. We have created a program packages for implementation, 3D visualization and comparison of our algorithm and the known Shirman and Sequin's method which is also based on splitting and quartic triangular Bezier patches. The results of our numerical experiments are presented and analysed.

Interpolation of scattered data in R3 using minimum Lp-norm networks, 1 < p < ∞
Krassimira Vlachkova
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 485(2), 123824, 2020

Abstract: We consider the extremal problem of interpolation of scattered data in R3 by smooth curve networks with minimal Lp-norm of the second derivative for 1<p<∞. The problem for p=2 was set and solved by Nielson (1983). Andersson et al. (1995) gave a new proof of Nielson's result by using a different approach. Partial results for the problem for 1<p<∞ were announced without proof in (Vlachkova, 1992). Here we present a complete characterization of the solution for 1<p<∞. Numerical experiments are visualized and presented to illustrate and support our results.

Interpolation of Convex Scattered Data in R3 Using Edge
Convex Minimum Lp-Norm Networks, 1 < p < ∞

Krassimira Vlachkova
AIP Conference Proceedings 2183, 070028 (2019)

Abstract: We consider the extremal problem of interpolation of scattered data in R3 by smooth curve networks with minimal Lp-norm of the second derivative for 1 < p < ∞. The problem for p = 2 was set and solved by Nielson [7]. Andersson et al. [1] gave a new proof of Nielson's result by using a different approach. It allowed them to set and solve the constrained extremal problem of interpolation of convex scattered data in R3 by minimum L2-norm networks that are convex along the edges of an associated triangulation. Partial results for the unconstrained and the constrained problems were announced without proof in [8]. The unconstrained problem for 1 < p < ∞ was fully solved in [10]. Here we present complete characterization of the solution to the constrained problem for 1 < p < ∞.

Comparing Bezier Curves and Surfaces for

Krassimira Vlachkova
In: Georgiev, K., Todorov, M., Georgiev, I. (eds) Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, LNCS 681, 239-250, 2017

Abstract: It is known that Bezier curves and surfaces may have multiple representations by different control polygons. The polygons may have different number of control points and may even be disjoint. This phenomenon causes difficulties in variety of applications where it is important to recognize cases where different representations define same curve (surface) or partially coincident curves (surfaces). The problem of finding whether two arbitrary parametric polynomial curves are the same has been addressed in Pekerman et al. (Are two curves the same? Comput.-Aided Geom. Des. Appl. 2(1-4):85-94, 2005). There the curves are reduced into canonical irreducible forms using the monomial basis, then they are compared and their shared domains, if any, are identified. Here we present an alternative geometric algorithm based on subdivision that compares two input control polygons and reports the coincidences between the corresponding Bezier curves if they are present. We generalize the algorithm for tensor product Bezier surfaces. The algorithms are implemented and tested using Mathematica package. The experimental results are presented.

Bi-quartic Parametric Polynomial Minimal Surfaces
Ognian Kassabov, Krassimira Vlachkova
AIP Conference Proceedings 1684, 110002 (2015)

Abstract: Minimal surfaces with isothermal parameters admitting
Bezier representation were studied by Cosın and Monterde. They showed that, up to an affine transformation, the Enneper surface is the only bi-cubic isothermal minimal surface. Here we study bi-quartic isothermal minimal surfaces and establish the general form of their enerating functions in the Weierstrass representation formula. We apply an approach proposed by Ganchev to compute the normal curvature and show that, in contrast to the bi-cubic case, there is a variety of bi-quartic isothermal minimal surfaces. Based on the Bezier representation we establish some geometric properties of the bi-quartic harmonic surfaces. Numerical experiments are visualized and presented to illustrate and support our results.

Extremal Interpolation of Convex Scattered
Data in R3 Using Tensor Product
Bezier Surfaces
Krassimira Vlachkova
In: I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Waśniewski (eds), Large-Scale
Scientific Computing,
LNCS 9374, 435-442, 2015
10.1007/978-3-319-26520-9 49

Abstract: We consider the problem of extremal interpolation of convex scattered data in R3 and propose a feasible solution. Using our previous work on edge convex minimum Lp-norm interpolation curve networks, 1 < p ≤ ∞, we construct a bivariate interpolant F with the following properties:
 (i) F is G1-continuous;
(ii) F consists of tensor product
Bezier surfaces (patches) of degree (n, n)
     where n ∈ N, n ≥ 4, is priorly chosen;
(iii) The boundary curves of each patch are convex;
(iv) Each
Bezier patch satisfies the tetra-harmonic equation Δ4F = 0.
      Hence F is an extremum to the corresponding energy functional.

Extremal Scattered Data Interpolation in R3 Using Triangular Bezier Surfaces
Krassimira Vlachkova
In: I. Dimov, S. Fidanova, I. Lirkov (eds), Numerical Methods
and Applications,
LNCS 8962, 304-311, 2015
10.1007/978-3-319-15585-2 34

Abstract: We consider the problem of extremal scattered data interpolation in R3. Using our previous work on minimum L2-norm interpolation curve networks, we construct a bivariate interpolant F with the following properties:
 (i) F is G1-continuous,
 (ii) F consists of triangular
Bezier surfaces,
(iii) each
Bezier surface satisfies the tetra-harmonic equation Δ4F = 0.
      Hence F is an extremum to the corresponding energy functional.
We also discuss the case of convex scattered data in R3.

Interactive Visualization and Comparison of Triangular
Subdivision Surfaces

Krassimira Vlachkova, Todorka Halacheva
Comptes rendus de l'Acade
mie bulgare des Sciences, 67(4), 477-486, 2014

Abstract: We present a new program package for interactive implementation and 3D
visualization of three fundamental algorithms for triangular surface subdivision.
Namely, these are Loop subdivision, Modified Butterfly subdivision, and Kobbelt \sqrt{3}-subdivision. Our work and contributions are in the field of experimental algorithmics and algorithm engineering. We have chosen Java applet application and Java 3D as our main implementation and visualization tools. This choice ensures platform independency of our package and its direct use without restrictions. The applet can be used for experiments with user's data sets since it works with host file system. The latter allows its usage for research and educational purposes. We have implemented extensive experiments with our package using meshes of di fferent type and increasing complexity. We compared the behaviour of the three algorithms with respect to various criteria. The experimental results are presented and analyzed.

Extremal Scattered Data Interpolation in R3
Using Tensor Product
Bezier Surfaces
Krassimira Vlachkova
Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2013
(K. Ivanov, G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 253-264
Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2014
Abstract: We consider the problem of extremal scattered data interpolation in R3. Using our previous work on minimum Lp-norm interpolation curve networks,
1 < p < ∞, we construct a bivariate interpolant F with the following properties:
  (i) F is G1-continuous;
 (ii) F consists of tensor product
Bezier surfaces;
(iii) Each
Bezier surface satisfies the tetraharmonic equation Δ4F = 0.
      Hence F minimizes the corresponding energy functional.

A Comparison of Surface Subdivision Algorithms for
Polygonal Meshes

Krassimira Vlachkova, Plamen Terziev
AIP Conference Proceedings 1487, 343-350 (2012)
Abstract: We present a new program package for interactive implementation and 3D visualization of three fundamental algorithms for surface subdivision. Namely, these are Doo-Sabin algorithm, Catmull-Clark algorithm, and Peters-Reif algorithm. Our work and contributions are in the field of experimental algorithmics and algorithm engineering.We have chosen OpenGL and Qt graphics libraries as our main implementation and visualization tools. Our program analyzes the validity of the loaded mesh and proceeds with valid meshes only.We provide a user friendly interface so that users can load their own data sets. The latter allows wide testing and comparing the results from the implementation of the three algorithms on arbitrary polygonal meshes. The program has also an option for creating new polygonal meshes. We experimented extensively with our package. We compared the behaviour of the three algorithms based on different criteria and using meshes of increasing complexity. The experimental results are presented and analyzed.

Error Bounds for Scattered Data Interpolation
in R3 by Minimum Norm Networks

Krassimira Vlachkova
Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov
(G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 368-377
Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012

Abstract: We consider the problem of interpolating scattered data in R3 assuming that the data are sampled from a smooth bivariate function F = F(x, y). For a fixed triangulation T associated with the projections of the data onto the plane Oxy we consider Nielson's minimum norm interpolation network S defined in [6] and prove an estimate of the form ||F−S||_{L2(T)} ≤C(T) ||F^{IV}||_{L2(T)}. The dependence of the term C(T) on the triangulation T is analysed.

Interactive 3D Visualization of Bezier Curves
using Java Open Graphics Library (JOGL)

Krassimira Vlachkova, Marina Boikova
Serdica Journal of Computing 5, 323-332, 2011

Abstract: We present a new program tool for interactive 3D visualization of some fundamental algorithms for representation and manipulation of
Bezier curves. The program tool has an option for demonstration of one of their most important applications - in graphic design for creating letters by means of cubic Bezier curves. We use Java applet and JOGL as our main visualization techniques. This choice ensures the platform independency of the created applet and contributes to the realistic 3D visualization. The applet provides basic knowledge on the Bezier curves and is appropriate for illustrative and educational purposes. Experimental results are included.

Scattered Data Interpolation in R3 by Smooth
Curve Networks

Krassimira Vlachkova
Constructive Theory of Functions, Varna 2002, (B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, 2003, pp. 446-452.

Abstract: Given scattered data in R3 and an integer k>=1 we consider the problem of
finding necessary and sufficient conditions for k-times smoothness of interpolation curve networks. Interpolation curve networks are defined on the edges of a triangulation associated with the projections of the data onto a fixed plane and play an essential role in construction of smooth interpolation surfaces in R3. In previous work this problem has been solved for k = 1 by the aid of a geometric criterion which does not generalize for k > 1. In this paper we apply a di fferent approach and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for k-times smoothness of interpolation curve networks.

A Newton-type algorithm for solving an extremal constrained
interpolation problem

Krassimira Vlachkova
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 7:133-146, 2000


Abstract: Given convex scattered data in R3 we consider the constrained interpolation problem of finding a smooth, minimal Lp-norm (1 < p < ∞) interpolation network that is convex along the edges of an associated triangulation. In previous work the problem has been reduced to the solution of a nonlinear system of equations. In this paper we formulate and analyse a Newton-type algorithm for solving the corresponding type of systems. The correctness of the application of the proposed method is proved and its superlinear (in some cases quadratic) convergence is shown.

Interpolation of Convex Scattered Data in R3 based upon an Edge Convex Minimum Norm Network
Lars-Erik Andersson, Tommy Elfving, Georgy Iliev, Krassimira Vlachkova
J. of Approx. Theory,  80(3), 299-320, 1995

Abstract: In this paper a characterization of the optimal (using the minimum norm criterion) interpolant, convex along the edges of a triangulation, usin data at the vertices is obtained. We thereby generalize results obtained by Nielson for the unconstrained case.